What does Asian Pacific American Heritage Month mean to you?
May is AAPI Heritage Month and it is the time to recognize the contributions and influence of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States.
But, what AADP would like to recognize and highlight is their generosity, philanthropy, kindness, and selfless acts of giving. Over the past 33 years, more than 3,310 US Asian & Pacific Islanders have donated their stem cells to help save the life of someone in need. These 3,310 individuals are to be acknowledged and celebrated, as should over 900,000 potential AAPI donors on the NMDP registry who are standing by, ready to answer the call to be a donor.
So, the AAPI community brings more than their history, culture, and achievements; they also deliver their stem cells that save lives! Thank you to all who have registered, donated, volunteered, and participated. We appreciate you!
Below, the Just Wish Foundation interviewed two such people; Trish and CJ. Trish needed a stem cell transplant to save her life, and CJ was her miracle match. We say miracle because CJ is Filipino and Trish is Vietnamese. They should not have had matching HLA types, but they did!

For the patients safety, NMDP Registry can only accept members between 18 and 40. Studies show that blood stem cells from younger donors provide better long-term survival rates for the patient. Caryn is in urgent need of a stem cell donor. All registries around the world
have been searched and there is no matching donor for her. If you haven’t already registered, please register today by texting NorCalAPI to 61474 a link to register will be sent back to you.
NMDP is looking for a Korean or Mandarin speaking (reading/writing) Engagement Rep to work in Northern CA. If you are interested here is the link.

Ways to Give
AADP is dedicated to serving patients with blood cancers and other life-threatening diseases. By making a donation, you will be supporting patients during the toughest time of their lives.

Venmo: @aadporg
If you’re interested in donating by check, make check payable to AADP and mail to:
2169 Harbor Bay Parkway, Alameda, CA 94502
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