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No one on the Be the Match stem cell registry was a match, so Juwan began a drive to sign up a thousand more donors, especially African Americans.We’re happy to say the young musician, who recently got the chance to play with the New York Giants drumline, has inspired 760 new donors to sign up.
It’s too soon to know if anyone is a match for Juwan, however, those donors may be able to help someone.
Patients are most likely to match donors who share the same ethnic background. If you are African American, your chance of finding a match is 23% compared to a Caucasian patient who has a 77% chance. We need to diversify the registry so ALL patients will find their life-saving donor.
Join Juwan’s call to action Register
Abington student inspires over 700 people to join bone marrow registry: Sharrie Williams reports during Action News at 5pm on Jnauary 7, 2020.
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