Asian American Donor Program is proud to announce that we’ll be hosting a College Admissions panel and presentation for rising seniors and incoming freshman!
After speaking with students in our community, we have found that many are lacking resources, especially since COVID-19 have brought their classes online. Counselors have been inaccessible as of late, and have little to no hours to talk to students about their next steps, and what they should prepare for going into college, so we decided we wanted to meet our communities’ needs!
Registration form

College Admission Panel:
Date: July 31, 2020
Time: 2pm PST
Panel speakers: Sabrina Williams (UCLA – Asst. Director, Regional Recruitment), Cynthia Robey (UC Berkeley Freshman Admissions Reader and College Counselor), Anne Johnson (UC Santa Barbara – Freshman Admissions Counselor), Ria Jagasia (UC Santa Cruz – Senior Admissions Evaluator), Melanie David (UC Davis – Assistant Director, Bay Area region), and more to be announced!
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92559850584?pwd=cDZqakpQWTdUSnVaVTkvMTgwNmhPZz09
Meeting ID: 925 5985 0584
Password: 425111

Presentation by Kaelyn Apple:
Date: August 1, 2020
Time: 2pm PST
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/91955667203?pwd=eFpOQlBheWY0RzBxM25oSjA4ZXAwdz09
Meeting ID: 919 5566 7203
Password: 622358
Kaelyn Grace Apple is a first year combined PhD student at Yale University in the Department of African American Studies and History. Her research focuses on the origins and legacies of slave laws in the British Atlantic World during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, looking specifically at matrilineal slave laws which had a direct impact on enslaved women’s personal, sexual, and reproductive lives.
Along with her research and ongoing studies of race, gender, and legal history, Kaelyn is the founder of TheRedHeadAcademic, a YouTube Channel and College Admissions Consulting Service which aims to provide access to higher education for all students who are passionate about learning. Her services have helped several students gain acceptance to undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the US and UK.
Kaelyn earned her BA in History and African American Studies from UCLA in 2019 and her Masters in US History from the University of Oxford in 2020.